This is a mock exam to test you on the PROCESS domain in preparation for the PMP exam.

IMPORTANT: This quiz will expire after 90 Days

Attempt this quiz as many times as you like (within the 90-day access period) after you have prepared thoroughly by going through recommended coursework in the 40 days to PMP exam success program and the PMP exam immersion courses (

You will receive questions from agile, predictive, and hybrid. The total time for this test is 40 minutes.

Do take a break at your discretion. An extra 2 minutes has been built in for this.

There are over 90 questions in this bank. Some will change each time you attempt this test as this PROCESS domain exam will be updated frequently. Access will expire after 90 days, after which you may renew access.

Questions on the actual exam are likely to be different so remember, this is just a simulation to assess your preparedness based on our PMP-certified question writers.

Please do not share this quiz as it is exclusively for you and will only work on your unique browser after purchase.

Remember, you can also purchase an instantly downloadable copy of the PMP Exam Immersion PDF book (which doubles nicely as an audio-book using Microsoft Edge) here:

All the very best in your PMP exam journey.